Brane Zorman & Irena Pivka

29.09.2006 |



Irena Pivka (born 1967, Ljubljana) graduated at the Faculty of Architecture and continued her specialization in London at St Martins College of Art – programme Scenography. Since 1995 she has created numerous scenographies and costumographies for theatre and dance performances. She also creates spatial installations at specific urban locations. Besides her own work, she is also involved in other joint projects as an intermedia artist.

2006 – intermedia project ZID Zone, work in progress
2006 – intermedia project Diary 012, Maska, City of Women Festival
2005 – intermedia project Zone Tourism (coauthor Brane Zorman), Maska
the project participated at the festivals: SEAS Festival Koper, Ana destnica, Forum I Confini della liberta Venezia
2004 – intermedia project Zone C ENTRANCE SOUTH (coauthor B. Zorman) Maska, City Art Gallery Nova Gorica
2003 – intermedia project Zone C (coauthor B. Zorman) Maska, UGM, Rotovž Exhition Salon, Maribor the project participated at: the joint exhibition Borders, Galerija A+A, Venice 2004, project Ring (authors Lazetič and Habicht ) 2004
2002 – intermedia project Zone B (authorial project, coauthor B. Zorman) Maska
2002 – independent exhibition of scenographies SPACES FOR STORIES – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
2001 – audiovisual situation Zone A (authorial project, coauthor B. Zorman), Monument Protection Institute Ljubljana
2000 – joint exhibition THE BLOW UP – Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, project point of view
1997 – installation WALL TO WALL – Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Art U3 – Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
1996 – audiovisual situation IZZA IZBA – K4 Kapelica (with B. Zorman), Ljubljana

2006 – Bil je Škrjanc – Kobal, Špas teater, set design
2006 – Ne hodi vendar čisto naga – A.Jelen, Gledališče Jesenice, set design
2005 – PIČKE – A. Jelen, ŠKUC set design
2005 – SODOBNI SNOBI – Teater Komedije, set + costume design
2005 – OB ISTEM ČASU ENKRAT DRUGIČ – Teater Komedije, set design
2005 – maturant 005 – Dimec/SILA, Fičo balet
2005 – ME5x5 – Fičo balet, Križanke, set design
2005 – MODERATO CANTABILE – J. Vombrek, Mini teater, set + costume design
2004 – OBUTI MAČEK – V. Taufer, Špas teater, set design
2004 – MEŠTRIX – Fičo balet
2003 – RIBA ZA ŠTIRI – B. Cavazza, Teater Komedija , Set design
2003 – JURI MURI V AFRIKI – M. Horvat, musical, Cankarjev dom, set + costume design
2003 – NUNE II – M. Horvat, musical, Šentjakobsko gledališče, set + costume design
2003 – CLEANSED – I. Taljančič, EXODOS, FESTIVAL Ljubljana, set design
2003 – IGRE NA DVORIŠČE – A.Jelen, ŠKUC, set design
2003 – EMO FAD – G. Bogdanovski, Cankarjev dom, Maska, set design
2003 – Maturant 003 – Dimec/SILA, Cankarjev dom, set design
2002 – SPET SKUPAJ – D. Mlakar, Cankarjev dom, set + costume design
2002 – Brucka v Ljubljani – Roza/Božič – musical, KUD France Prešeren, set design
2002 – PEDENJPED – Šavli, Horvat, Cankarjev dom, set + costume design
2002 - Maturant 002 – M. Dimec/SILA, Cankarjev dom, KUD, set design
2001 – METRIX – Metrix, Anatom,Teater Gromki, set design
2001 – ŠVIC ŠVARC – G. Bogdanovski, Maska, Cankarjev dom, Slovene National Theatre Opera & Ballet Ljubljana, set design
2001 – MATURANT 001 – M. Dimec - SILA, Cankarjev dom, set design
2001 – POHUJŠANJE – M. Farič, Cankarjev dom/Slovene National Theatre & Ballet Maribor, set design
2000 – SHIRLEY VALENTINE – Kobal - Vetrih, BTC Teater Komedije, set design
2000 – 200% – U. Teržan, Gledališče čez cesto, set design
2000 – 10 POD 0 – M. Farič, Cankarjev dom, set design
2000 – MATURANT 2000 – M. Dimec - SILA, KUD France Prešeren, Cankarjev dom, set design
1999 – TERMINAL – M. Farič, Cankarjev dom, set design
1999 – MATURANT 99 – M. Dimec, KUD France Prešeren, set design
1999 – I BELLIVE I'LL RUN ON… – Illusion Theatre, Minneapolis, with S.Reiser, set design
1999 – NERGAČ – Verč, Mollier, Šentjakobsko Theatre, set design
1998 – NAJLEPŠA ROŽA – A. Jelen, K. Brenk, Šentjakobsko Theatre, set design
1998 – KASPAR – A. Furse, Handke, Cankarjev dom, set + costume design
1996 – NOSTALGIČNA KOMEDIJA – P. Vetrih, J. Jamnik, Cankarjev dom, set + costume design
1995 – ALMA – U. Cetinski, P. Vetrih, Cankarjev Dom, set design
1995 – DIVA DIVANOVA – Ana Monro, KUD France Prešeren, set design
1994 – FISHER KING – Derganc - OFF, Mladinsko Theatre, set design

2002 – 2006 several dozens of scenographies for videos
2003 – 2004 HITRO POČASI, Z. A. Pečovnik, Zank

2006 arrangement of city space for the festival ANA DESETNICA
2005 arrangement of a platform in front of Metalka for the festival ANA DESETNICA
2004 arrangement of the park between Aškerčeva and Rimska street for the festival ANA DESETNICA
2003, 2002, 2001, 1999 – arrangement of the park Zvezda – setting up of street signs for the festival ANA DESETNICA

BRANE ZORMAN com-poser, sound-manipulator

Brane Zorman (born in 1962) composer, working as a freelance artist in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has composed music for more than 30 theatre and dance performances as well as released several theatre soundtrack CDs and a few dance EPs for various labels. He composes music also for film, TV and radio commercials. His most recent achievements include the first DTS surround encoded soundtrack for a theatre performance in Slovenia, the first DTS surround CD release in Slovenia, as well as an interest in special sound design, effects and sound sculptures. He works with intermedia artists such as Igor Stromajer and world renowned BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA guerilla internet projects, as well as Irena Pivka on CONA (ZONE) projects dealing with borders, migrations, social, political, individual and cultural aspects of integration.


2006 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA: VolksNetBallet, Guerrilla Net Ballet Performance by Igor Stromajer & Brane Zorman, live internet broadcasting from Volksbühne, Berlin/Germany, produced by: Intima
2006 – SURROUND CONCERT FOR 6 SPEAKERS AND 2TV EYES, multimedia live performace, OZONE Galery, Belgrade, Serbia
2006 – SURROUND CONCERT FOR 6 SPEAKERS AND 2TV EYES, multimedia live performace for: OSCILATIONS – 30 days of Sound, at Mala galerija – Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
2006 – Oppera Internettikka Bollywooddikka, with Igor Stromajer, internet performance, live appearance and internet broadcasting, CEC & CAC (The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave), New Delhi, India, produced by: Intima and
2005 – PUBLIC FORUM, Cona projects presentation with Irena Pivka, Venice, Italy
2005 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA: BEO Guerrиllиkka with Igor Stromajer - performance and exhibition, O3ONE Art Space & TkH - Belgrade, Serbia
2005 - Ballettikka Internettikka: illegallikka robottikka, with Igor Stromajer, exhibited at: “Territories, Identities, Nets: Slovene Art 1995-2005” (Teritoriji, identitete, mreže: slovenska umetnost 1995–2005), Moderna galerija (Museum of Modern Art), Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA 2001-2005, with Igor Stromajer, exhitibition, Galerija KiBela, MMC Kibla, Maribor
2005 - OMMM (OST), double CD, regular Audio CD and DTS Surround Audio CD, selected compositions re-produced, re-composed, re-mastered by Brane Zorman Vs. BeitThroN, produced by: Zavod Aksioma
2005 – ZONE TURISM, sound and visual installation, with Irena Pivka, produced by Maska
2004 - OMMM, sound installation - live surround, international festival Visions Of Excess with Ron Athey,
Nicole Blackman, Kira O'Reilly, Vaginal Davis, Bast ..., Grad Kodeljevo, produced by: Zavod Aksioma
2004 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA - illegallikka robottikka, with Igor Stromajer, internet ballet, Teatro alla S.cala, Milano / Italy
2004 - CONA C vstop jug / ZONE C entrance south, sound and visual installation, with Irena Pivka, Mestna Galerija Nova Gorica in Mostovna, produced by Maska
2003 - BRVI - Ballettikka RealVideo Internettikka, 2003, a video project by Davide Grassi, Igor Stromajer, Brane Zorman, for U3 exhibition, Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, produced by: Zavod Aksioma
2003 - CONA C, sound and visual installation, with Irena Pivka, UGM Maribor, produced by Maska and UGM Maribor
2003 - ZVO-KONS / RADIO - concert appearance and sound ambient performance with group S.R.P., P74 Gallery, produced by Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
2002 - IMPAKT 2002 - presentation of the BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA Part 2 internet project, with Igor Stromajer
2002 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA Part II - with internet artist Igor Stromajer - second part of a Internet project broadcasted live from Bolshoi Theatre on March 28th 2002, produced by: Intima
2001 - CONA B, sound and visual installation (with Irena Pivka - visual part of installation), Ljubljana,
produced by: Maska and City of Women Festival
2001 - BALLETTIKKA INTERNETTIKKA Part 1- Internet project broadcasted live on the internet with Igor Stromajer, Location: internet - Place: virtual, produced by: Intima
2001 - CONA A, sound and visual installation (with Irena Pivka - visual part of installation), Ljubljana


2005 - MODERATO CANTABILLE, original soundtrack for a theatre performace, directed by Jasna Vombek, MKC Maribor and Mini Teater Ljubljana
2004 – DELIRIJ V DVOJE (E. Ionesco), sound design, theatre performance, directed by Ivana Djilas, produced by Gledališče Glej
2004 – MESTO SOLZ, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, music for dance performance choreographed by Dušan Teropšič, produced by: PTL
2004 - WAR - My boyfriend came from war…, sound design and video, Cankarjev Dom, produced by EPI Center and Cankarjev dom
2003 - ŠOLSKI ZVEZEK, music and sound design, Mali oder SNG Drama, directed by Ivana Djilas, produced by: E.P.I. Center
2003 - CLEANSED, Ljubljanski grad, surround sound desigb, music for performance and films, directed by: Ivan Talijančič, produced by Festival Exodos and Waxfactory
2003 - IGRE NA DVORIŠČU, music for theatre performance, directed by Alen Jelen, produced by Društvo Škuc, Ljubljana
2003 - VETER SPREMEMB (WINDS OF CHANGE), Plesni Teater Ljubljana, music for solo, performed and choreographed by Igor Sviderski, produced by PTL, Ljubljana
2002 - KRATKE HLAČE (SHORTS), Plesni Teater Ljubljana, music for solo, performed and choreographed by Dušan Teropšič, produced by PTL and KUD Nor
2002 - DISCO PIGS - Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Ivana Djilas - Glej Theatre
2001 - MILLENEMY - Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl & GENG
2000 - PROSTORNINA KOZE, SOU production, Ljubljana - choreography Suzana Koncut
2000 - PROJEKT 3, MUSEUM production, Izola - Ljubljana - three short theatre and video projects by teams of architects and dramaturgs
2000 - PROJEKT DELAK - KACA NA NEBESNEM SVODU - IL SERPENTE SULLA VOLTA DEL CIELO, Project by Cezmejni laboratorij za intermedialne umetnosti (Laboratorio transfrontaliero di Intermediazione fra le Arti), Gorica, Italy, Emil Hrvatin
1999 - SU E SID, Gledalisce Glej - Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl & GENG
1998 - MEDIUM COELI, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Ivan Peternelj
1998 - NEO SKIN, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl & GENG
1998 - NAJLEPSA ROZA, Sentjakobsko Theatre, Ljubljana - Alen Jelen
1997 - VRNITEV, Cez cesto Theatre, Kranj - Marcandrea Bragalini
1997 - THE SAINTS OF DANCA MACABRA, Hrastovlje, Alen Jelen (selection, re-modelling & the mix)
1997 - JEZUS F., Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl
1996 - XANAX, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl
1995 - CLIOPATRA, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl
1995 - VILINCEK Z LUNE, Sentjakobsko Theatre, Ljubljana - Alen Jelen
1993 - HAMLETS ’N ROSES, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl
1992 - HAMLETT PACKARD, Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Tomaz Strucl
1992 - SIBILA, Abaddon Theatre, Klub K4, Ljubljana - Ali Kranjc
1987 - OGLEDALO POZNA SKRIVNOST, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana - Mare Kovacic


2004 - HITRO POČASI, music and sound design for short film directed by: Zemira A. Pečovnik
1997 - Music for video, Aine Smid in Marine Grzinic
1995 - PAVJI KRIK, graduate film by Petra Hauc, co-produced by AGRFT and RTV Slovenija
1992 - HAMLETT PACKARD (video), Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Iztok Abersek
1987 - OGLEDALO POZNA SKRIVNOST (video), Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana - Mare Kovacic


1998 - JAZ NISEM TU - I AM NOT HERE, exhibition sponsored by SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija SKUC, Ljubljana, 1998
1997 - IZZA IZBA, (with Irena Pivka - visual part of installation), Galerija Kapelica SOU, Ljubljana
1997 - ECHOES (as a member of Grg 23 kolektiv - Irena Pivka, Tanja Lazetic, Kristina Lazetic, Primoz Piskar, Dejan Habicht), Sneznik Castle, Slovenia
1995 - SATEN, Vitezka hall - Krizanke, Ljubljana, creations by Vesna Levic, Tomaz Strucl
1994 - FISHER KING, Mladinsko Theatre, Ljubljana, creations by One Fiction Factory - Marko Derganc
1994 - CLICHE, Festivalna hall, Ljubljana, creations by Jelena Leskovar, Tomaz Strucl
1993 - OZ, Open Krizanke Theatre, Ljubljana, creations by One Fiction Factory

1997 - ACTIVE MATRIX V.1.0., techno compilation, Matrix Musik, Ljubljana
1995 - CLIOPATRA, CD soundtrack, Glej Theatre - NIKA records
1995 - VETO 1 EP, compilation, Veto records, Ljubljana
1995 - TRIPPLE W EP, Veto records, Ljubljana
1995 - MY DREAMS EP, Matrix Musik, Ljubljana
1994 - CODE 386, CD compilation, Matrix Musik, Ljubljana
1993 - TRANS SLOVENIA EXPRESS, CD compilation, Dallas - Mute records, Ljubljana - London
1992 - HAMLETT PACKARD, CD soundtrack, KIF-KIF
1986 - O!KULT, LP Dossier records, Berlin

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