29.09.2006 |
Igor Štromajer (Intima Virtual Base – www.intima.org) is an intimate mobile communicator. His oeuvre comprises 50 projects presented at 100 exhibitions in 50 countries on all the continents. The two most widely known are Oppera Internettikka and Ballettikka Internettikka (1997–2006). He has received several awards for his work (in Moscow, Hamburg, Dresden, Belfort, and Madrid), and his projects form part of the permanent collections of the most prestigious art institutions, among them Le Centre national d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne in Paris, the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, the Moderna galerija in Ljubljana, and the Computerfinearts Gallery - net and media art collection in New York. His multimedia projects research tactical emotional states, intimate political guerrilla, and traumatic low-tech strategies. He lectures as a guest artist at universities and contemporary art institutes in Europe and North America.
Love Without Mercy, The University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Humanities, Digital Culture Department (Jyväskylä, FI)
Ballettikka Internettikka, O3ONE Art Space (Belgrade, CS)
Ballettikka Internettikka, Tschumipaviljoen (Groningen, NL)
Ballettikka Internettikka, New York University, Institute of Performing Arts (New York City, US)
Radical Emotions / Political Strategy, Titanik Galleria (Turku, FI)
Art Networking Pot Luck: Intimate Mobile Net Art, Gallery P 10 (Singapore, SG)
Émotions radicales, Le Centre national d'art et de Culture Georges Pompidou - Musée national d'art moderne (Paris, FR)
tRauma - intiimi kommunikaatio ulkoavaruuteen - rakkaus ilman armoa – signaali/tRauma - intimna izvenzemeljska komunikacija – ljubezen brez milosti – signal/tRauma - intimate extraterrestrial communication - love without mercy - the signal, Lönnström Art Museum, (Rauma, FI)
Pleasure Measure - Orgasmus Datenbank Berlin, BGF Mitte (Berlin, DE)
Intima, Centrul International pentru Artă Contemporană (Bucharest, RO)
The Carnival of e-Creativity, The India International Centre (New Delhi, IN)
Violencia sin cuerpos / Violence Without Bodies / Nasilje brez teles, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, ES)
Ohne Schnur - art about wireless communication, Cuxhavener Kunstverein (Cuxhaven, DE)
FILE - electronic language international festival, Paço das Artes (Sao Paulo, BR)
IMPAKT, Couch Club (Utrecht, NL)
EMAF - European Media Art Festival, Kunsthalle Dominikanenkirche (Osnabrueck, DE)
Transmediale, Podewil (Berlin, DE)
Ligações – Dangerous Links, Museu Serralves (Porto, PT)
La Biennale de Montréal - L'autre monde, Centre international d'art contemporain (Montreal, CA)
Extension - Das Netz als Material und Gegenstand, Hamburger Kunsthalle (Hamburg, DE)
Arns, Inke, Andreas Broeckmann. “Kleine östliche Mediennormalität”. Springerin - Hefte für Gegenwartskunst (Vienna) IV/ 3 (Sept. 1998).
Baumgärtel, Tilman. net.art 2.0 - Neue Materialien zur Netzkunst. Nürnberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2001.
Bosco, Roberta, Stefano Caldana. “Igor Stromajer transforma el código HTML en un espectáculo de net.ballet”. El País (Madrid) (29. 3. 2001).
Bureaud, Annick. “Utopies distribuées. Net art, Web art”. Art press - mensuel paraissant (Paris) (Nov. 1999).
Lechner, Marie. “Le Pavarotti du HTML - Le Slovene Stromajer crée des opéras en code web.” La Liberation (Paris) (2. 2. 2001).
Lee Williams, Barbara. “New Horizons”. Leonardo - Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Science and Technology (San Francisco) Vol. 34, no. 3 (2001).
Popper, Frank. From Technological to Virtual Art - The Humanization of the Machinic through Artistic Imagination. San Francisco: M.I.T. Press, 2004.
“Schon mal das Büro des Ballettchefs besetzt? Ballettikka Internettikka zeigt der Welt, wie’s geht”; Ballet Tanz (Berlin) (December 2005).
Sellam, Laetitia. “Le net art entre au musée”. Beaux Arts magazine (Paris) 234 (November 2003).
Wilson, Stephen. Information Arts - intersections of art science and technology. San Francisco: M.I.T. Press, 2001.
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