Ivani Santana
29.09.2006 |
Ivani Santana is a dancer and choreographer working in the field of dance-technology since 1994. She holds a Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifícia Univerisidade Católica (Catholic University), São Paulo, Brazil. She is a professor at the Department of Theory and Choreographic Creation of the School of Dance, the Master’s Degree in Dance, and the Graduate Program in the Performing Arts (Theater and Dance), Universidade Federal da Bahia (Federal University of Bahia). Some of the issues addressed in her courses include: new epistemologies for contemporary dances, creative processes in choreography, dance criticism, dance and technology workshops, among others. She has created and directed the Technological Poetics in Dance Research Project since its inception in 2004 as well as the Laboratory for Advanced Research on the Human Body since 2000. Ivani Santana is author of the books Corpo Aberto: Cunniningham, dança e Novas Tecnologias [Open Body: Cunningham, Dance and New Technologies] (São Paulo: EDUC/FAPESP, 2002) and (Sopa de) carne, osso e silício. As metáforas (ocultas) da dança-tecnologia. [Meat (Soup), bone and silicon. Dance-technology’s (hidden) metaphors], (Salvador: EDUFBA/FAPESB, forthcoming).
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