Melinda Rackham

28.09.2006 |


Dr Melinda Rackham

:: short biography

For the past decade Melinda Rackham has worked with Networked Media as an artist, writer and curator in the arenas of web, 3d multi-user, game and mobile environments. Her award winning participatory sites and mobile phone videos are widely shown internationally; she regularly speaks on issues surrounding emerging medias; and her writing appears in diverse art and theory publications.

Melinda is the Director of the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), Australia’s peak network, research and advocacy body for media artists working with science and technology. In 2002 she established the globally influential -empyre- media arts forum which continues to facilitate critical perspectives on contemporary cross-disciplinary issues, practices and events in networked media

:: selected internet art exhibitions

2004: Australian Culture Now, ACMI and NGV, Melbourne, Australia
Art meets Media, NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], Tokyo, Japan
Art Entertainment Network, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA
Biennale de Montréal 2000, CIAC, Montréal, Canada
Biennial of Buenos Aires 02, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina
Beyond Interface - Museums and the Web, 1998, Canada.
Carcel de Amor, Violencia Sin Cuerpos (05), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte, Madrid, Spain
CYNETart04areale, Dresden, Germany
Double Life, Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Empyrean Art Center Nabi, Seoul, South Korea
European Media Art Festival 2001, Osnabrueck, Germany
hybrid<life>forms, Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Interferences, 2ème Festival International d’Arts Multimédia Urbains, Belfort, France ISEA2002, Orai, Nagoya, Japan
lab3D 03 Cornerhouse, Manchester, UK
Perspecta99 Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, Australia
Seoul Net and Film Festival, Mobile & DMB Fest 2005, Seoul, South Korea
Transmediale 2000, Berlin, Germany
under_score - Next Wave Festival, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, USA
Urban Futures 2000 Digital Exhibition, Johannesburg, South Africa
Videomedjia, Video and New Media Festival, Yugoslavia. 

:: selected publications

2006 :: Safety of Skin, _reskin_, ed Mary Flanagan and Austin Booth, MIT Press, 2006

2004 :: Networked Soft Space, Art and New Media, eds Yu Wei-Cheng and Phillip George, Tainan National University of the Arts, Taiwan, 2004. Mandarin p 112-119, English, p 209-214.

2003 :: Reader: Lab3D and Web3D Art, co-editor with Taylor Nuttall, Cornerhouse, Manchester, ISBN 094879773 8

:: the dimensional internet: Web3D-empyre-lab3D, Intelligent Agent, vol. 3 no. 2.

:: Carrier: Forever Bound, Leonardo Vol. 36, No. 2, MIT Press, p 103-104

2002 :: Wesen und Konstruktion des virtuellen raums Webfictions – Zerstreute Anwesenheiten in elektroischen Netzen, Faßler/Hentschläger/Weiner, Springer-Verlag Wien NewYork, 2002, p 128-133 Online component in English @

2001 :: carrier - becoming symborg Contagion -Cultural and Historical Studies, Eds Alison Bashford and Claire Hooker, Routledge, London, 2001, p 217-226

:: Empyrean - soft skinned e_scape Politics of a Digital Present: An inventory of Australian net culture, criticism and theory, Brown, Hugh (ed); Lovink, Geert (ed); Merrick, Helen (ed) Fibreculture Publications, ISBN0-9579978-0-9, Melbourne, p 177–183

2000 :: carrier - becoming symborg Culture Machine 3 : Virologies: Culture and Contamination, Eds Dave Boothroyd & Diane Morgan, University of Teesside, UK

Read more (Proposals)
