28.09.2006 | Short CV:
Virpi Pahkinen has been touring the world in her dual role as choreographer and dancer. Her solos have met critical acclaim in over 30 countries .
She has also created work for several dancers and appeared in short dance films for the wide screen and TV. She has taken part in several of Ingmar Bergman´s theatre productions at Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm. Born in Finland. Lives in Sweden. www.pahkinen.com
Some of the theatres and festivals which have presented Virpi Pahkinen´s work:
Jacob´s Pillow, USA
Cross Roads, POLAND
Cervantino Festival, MEXICO
Fondation Beyler, SWITZERLAND
Tanz in August, GERMANY
Scene Salzburg, AUSTRIA
Roma-Europa, ITALY
Adelaide Festival, AUSTRALIA
Helsinki Festival, HELSINKI
Solo choreographies (a selection):
Iridium, 1995
Salamandrar, 1996
Solos, 1997
Suite 303, 2001
Kalagni, 2000
Meretseger, 2004
Sepia longa, aspectus brevis, 2005
By the painless arrow of Artemis, 2005
Sal Mirabile, 2006
For groups:
Bardo 1998
Zefirum 2003
Nehebkau 2005
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