Dear Nives, dear Elise,
Thank you for your kind invitation! It will be a pleasure for me to
participate in your project Maska 2023, as well as the CD-ROM.
The title of my work is "House Art" - a mixed-media installation with
five documentary video interviews with my neighbors in the house where I
live now in Switzerland, who have no professional contact to art. It's
an allusion to Art House, and deals with the role of art in the daily
life of average people, in which the pathos of art is lost in
kitschified objects, mass production, entertainment and memories. The
questions raised are about the role and the moral of contemporary art in
the everyday life of people around me. One of the arguments often heard
in favor of contemporary art is that it is socially engaged and
accessible to a broad audience. Similar confusion and misunderstandings,
funny and stupid situations are the same as those with my neighbors in
Bulgaria. I started working on this project 2004, but since then it has
not been completed, although part of the video material and many photos
are done, along with a detailed description of the project.
My choice from the Maska collection for a work to be exhibited alongside
my project is Oliver Musovik's work "Neighbors".
I will send you the detailed description of the project these days (I'd
like to rework it slightly), along with CV, etc.
Please find the PDF files with the title page and with three comics
strips created from video stills of three of the interviews I’ve made.
As a sort of advertising/PR for the finished work, I was thinking of
printing the three strips on canvas (each about 1 meter wide) to include
in the 2006 exhibition - 2023, since you will be a very rich and
important institution and I will be famous and an important figure in
the art world, you will cover all expenses for editing, installing,
hotel, fees, pompous opening (of course with the President of Slovenia!
:-), etc. Should I print the PR images on canvas here, or should I send
you PDF's to have them printed locally? Or do you prefer reducing their
size to A4 laser prints? I will send you a few sentences about the PR
strategy in the next few days.
Would you like to have the description of the project cut down to one
page, or a complete folder with the documentation (a dozen of pages,
including further video stills, photographs and drawings). Do you need a
budget for 2023? How should inflation be taken into account? :-)
I'm thinking of contributing a version of the same project to the CD-ROM.
With my best regards,