The new political, ideological and economic reorganization of Europe between 1990 and 1993 (the fall of the Berlin Wall, a united Germany, the disintegration of the Eastern block, the war in Yugoslavia, and the formation of new national countries) prompted the need for establishing a novel state structure that would go beyond the new division of the world, including Europe, bringing its citizens together in a true Utopia. The growth of the Internet and a digital-virtual world made this idea that much more realizable. The 1992 Moscow Declaration was the first step towards declaring the NSK State in Time, and since 1993 the new state has held its door wide open for stateless persons and anyone else who wishes to become its citizen.
The NSK State denies the categories of territory and nation, promoting the Trans-national Law. Its principle of organization is based on collective absolutism, the ideas of self-management and the non-aligned movement, while the “head of state” is the Immanent-consistent spirit. The state has no official government nor a central committee, but citizens, bureaucrats, and executors who perform technical tasks – keeping Utopia real. For practical needs of operation and preservation, the NSK State coexists as a parasite within the framework of existing socio-economic systems and forms of state over the entire area of Time Universe.
The right to citizenship is acquired by holding an NSK passport, and technically speaking, a passport holder may become anybody who so wishes, regardless of their race, religion, nationality, sex, and belief. By signing an accession statement, the bearer of an NSK passport pledges to contribute one’s best effort to strengthening the integrity and identity of the NSK State, and to respect the NSK State code of ethics as defined in the Five Fundamental Principles of Friendship. The NSK passport is a subversive document of unique value. The document is numbered and non-transferable, and its validity is limited, but renewable. Citizens’ vital statistics are recorded in the Register of NSK Citizens.
The First Census of the Citizens of the NSK State
Read more (Text Maska (pdf) with article written about the artist)